-- VHDL code position: p261_ex8_42_experiment8_3_mway
-- Note : This is code file of tennis play
-- See Also: example 8_35(top module), 8_36, 8_37, 8_38, 8_39, 8_40, 8_41, 8_42
-- Debug : no debug
-- 乒乓球前进方向产生模块
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity mway is
port ( servea :in std_logic; -- 左选手发球信号
serveb :in std_logic; -- 右选手发球信号
way :out std_logic -- 乒乓球灯前进方向信号
end mway;
architecture ful of mway is
process( servea, serveb )
if( servea = '1' ) then -- 左选手发球
way <= '1'; -- 方向向右
elsif ( serveb = '1' ) then -- 右选手发球
way <= '0'; -- 方向向左
end if;
end process;
end architecture ful;