Congenital Hypothyroidism
Xue Fan Gu,MD,PhD
Xinhua Hospital
Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine
? Thyroid hormone deficiency may,or
? Congenital:most cases are hypoplasia or
aplasia of the thyroid gland
World,1:3 000~ 5 000
China,1:3 200
? 8th gestational weeks,synthesis of
? 10~12th gestational weeks,pitutary
gland begins to secrete TSH,thyroid
gland synthesis of T3,T4
? 30th gestational weeks,hypothalamic-
pitutary-thyroid axis is functioning
and independent of the maternal axis
Thyroid Ontogenesis
? After delivery,TSH rapidly
rise reaching
60~80 uU/ml
levels,and then
slowly decline
over the next
few days(5~7d)
to <5 uU/ml
Thyroid hormone synthesis and metabolism
? The thyroid follicle is stimulated by
TSH by increase with TSH receptor
? Iodine from the circulation is
concentrated and rapidly oxidized by
peroxidase to iodine
? Iodine incorporated into tyrosyl
residures on thyroglobuline
? Iodothyrosines are couple an ether
linkage to form T4 and T3
? T3 and T4
? Metabolic potency of T3 is 3~4 times that
of T4,Only 20% of circulating T3 is
secreted by the thyroid
? T3,T4 in circulation
Binding form,70% with TBG, other
with Alb,
Free form,T4 0.03%,T3 0.3%
Anterior pituitary gland
Thyroid gland
rT3 T3 T4
Hypothylamic-pitutary-thyroid feedback regulation
Physiological of thyroid hormones
? Increase oxygen consumption
? Stimulate protein synthesis
? Influence growth and differentiation
? Affect carbohydrate,lipid and
vitamine metabolism
? The cause may be sporadic or familial,goitrous or
? Defective embryogenesis 75%
? Dyshormonogenesis
TPO defect,etc,
Iodide transport defect,organification defect,
coupling defect,iodothyrosine deiodinase defect,
inability of tissueses to convert T4 to T3
? Deficiency or excess of iodine
Transient Hypothyroidism
? Premature
? Maternal medications
? Maternal antibody
? Iodine deficiency hypothyroidism in iodine
deficiency area
Other Causes
? Pitutary/hypothalamis
Rare,<5%,measurement of TSH
levels fail to revel patient with
hypothyroidism,since they have low
Classification According To TSH Level
? TSH level rise
Primary hypothyroidism
Transient hypothyroidism
? TSH level in normal
Pitutary/hypothalamis hypothyroidism
low TBG
Clinical Findings
In Newborns and Infants
? Absent symptom during the first few
weeks of life
? A few have birth weight>3.5kg
prolongation of physiological
icterus,constipation,hoarse cry,feeding
or sucking difficulties
Progress Manifestation
? Pulse is slow,heart murnures,
enlarged tongue,skin cold and dry,
umbilical hernia,hair is dry
? Mental retardation
? growth stunted
甲低特殊外表 8y
Hypothyroidism caused by Pituitary-
? Without symptom in neonatal period
? May be with other pituitaty hormone deficiency
GH deficiency, short stature
ACTH deficiency, hypoglycemia
ADH deficiency, diabetes incipidus
TSH in neonatal screening programs,
<10~15 mu/L
Normal range for neonate
T4 84-210 nmol/l(6.5-16.3ug/dl)
FT4 12-28 pmol/l(0.9-2.2ng/dl)
TSH 1.7-9.1 mu/L(1.7-9.1 uU/ml)
Laboratory findings
? 99mTc,123I scintigraphy
? B ultrasound examination
? X ray,retardation of skeletal maturation (bone
? Give thyroxine as early as possible
? TSH and FT4 should be monitored and
maintained in the normal range
? Confirmation of diagnosis may be
necessary for some infant to rule out the
possibility of transient hypothyroidism at
2~3 years old
Dose of thyroxine( L-T4)
Age μg/day ug/kg/day
0~6m 25~50 8.5~10
6~12m 50~100 5~8
1~5y 75~100 5~6
6~12y 100~150 4~5
12y to adult 100~200 2~3
CH (4y) before treatment after one year treatment
Flow Chart of Neonatal Screening for CH
TSH of retesteted sample > Cut off point
Recall of neonate
retested TSH level> Cut off point
Serum FT3,FT4,TSH X-ray of knee
FT4 TSH delayed BA FT4 normal,TSH normal BA
CH Hyperthyrotropinemia
Thank youThank you