《分子遗传学(英)》教学大纲 ( The Genetics of Microbes) 一、基本信息 课程代码:1019022 学 分 :2 总 课 时: 32 课程性质: 专业选修课 适用专业:生物工程专业 先修课程:生物化学, 微生物学 二、本课程教学目的和任务 分子遗传学是研究生物体遗传和变异的一门学科,它是遗传学的一个分支学科,也是分 子生物学的分支学科。通过本课程的学习,使学生了解生物体遗传的基本规律和基本理论, 为其他学科的学习奠定良好的基础。 三、教学方法与手段 课堂教学及多媒体教学相结合。 。 四、教学内容及要求 第一章 Basic principles of microbial genetics 要求掌握 Basic procedures and terminology, crosses involving spore c olour, crosses involving colony size, crosses involving plaque morphology, types of mutant microbes, visible mutants, conditional lethal mutants, classification of mutation, classification of phenotypes, genetic maps, the complementation test, gene terminology, intrallelic complementation, one gene-one polypeptide theory; 熟悉 Mutation and the gene product: allelism; 了解 The cis-trans test: the cistron 重 点内容:Basic procedures and terminology, types of mutant microbes, gene terminology 难点内容: crosses involving spore colour, crosses involving colony size, crosses involving plaque morphology 第二章 Construction of genetic maps and the genetic code 要求掌握 two-point and three-point crosses, selective systems for ma pping, mapping by seletion analysis, the code for protein synthesis, base sequencing of virus and genes, heterosuplex analysis, mapping with restriction endonucleases, gene localization 重点内容:two-point and three-point crosses, mapping by seletion analysis, the code for protein synthesis, base sequencing of virus and genes, heterosuplex analysis, mapping with restriction endonucleases 难点内容:selective systems for mapping, mapping with restriction endonucleases, gene localization 第三章 Aspects of fungal genetics 要求掌握 tetrad analysis , mapping of the centromere distance for the hyaline, abnormal asci, mechanism of gene conversion, a mechanism for recombination, polarity of gene conversion, tetrad analysis of unordered asci, mathematical aspects of recombination, interference between chiasmata。 重点内容:tetrad analysis, mapping of the centromere distance for the hyaline, a mechanism for recombination, polarity of gene conversion, tetrad analysis of unordered asci, mathematical aspects of recombination 难点内容:tetrad analysis, mathematical aspects of recombination, interference between chiasmata 第四章 The parasexual cycle in fungi 要求掌握 evidence for the occurrence of diploid, basic principles of the parasexual cycle, application of the parasexual, mapping of gene order and centromere location, analysis of a translocation, other applications of diploids, occurrence of the parasexual cycle, industrial application of the parasexual cycle 重点内容:basic principles of the parasexual cycle, analysis of a translocation 难点内容: analysis of a translocation, other applications of diploids, occurrence of the parasexual cycle 第五章 Genetic analysis of fungal growth 要求掌握 genetic analysis of DNA synthesis and the duplication cycle in filamentous fungi, detection of the genetic loci for tubulin synthesis, genetic approaches to the study of growth and wall synthesis 重点内容:genetic analysis of DNA synthesis and the duplication cycle in filamentous fungi 难点内容:detection of the genetic loci for tubulin synthesis 第六章 Recombination in bacteria 要求掌握 discovery of conjunction, di scovery of the sex factors, types of E. coli strains, genetic map of the sex factors, features of other plasmids, relationships between plasmids, transformation in bacteria, transduction 重点内容: genetic map of the sex factors, features of other plasmids, relationships between plasmids 难点内容:transformation in bacteria, transduction 第七章 Genetics analysis of bacteriophages 要求掌握 virulent bacteriophages, temperate bacteriophages, genetic maps in bacteriophages, origin of transduction phages, genetics basis of lysogeny, gene expression in the lytic cycle, regulation of lysogeny;熟悉 Integration of the chromosome 重点内容 :genetic maps in bacteriophages, origin of transduction phages, genetics basis of lysogeny, gene expression in the lytic cycle 难点内容:regulation of lysogeny 第八章 Repair, mutation and recombination in bacteria 要求掌握 survey of repair, mutation and recombination, repair of DNA and UV-induced mutation, the genetics of recombination in bacteria and phages, DNA gyrase and DNA unwinding 重点内容:repair of DNA and UV-induced mutation, the genetics of recombination in bacteria and phage 难点内容:DNA gyrase and DNA unwinding 第九章 In vivo and in vitro genetic manipulation 要求掌握 somatic-cell gentics, crosses between different bacteria, purification of the “lac” operon, basis of restriction and medi cation; 熟悉 construction of DNA, basic procedures involved in a recombinant DNA experiment; 了 解 public concern with safety 重点内容:purification of the “lac” operon, basis of restriction and medication 难点内容:construction of DNA, basic procedures involved in a recombinan t DNA experiment 第十章 Mitochondrial genetics and eukaryotic transformation 要求掌握 extrachrom osomal inheritance in yeast, mapping of the mitochondrial genome, the coding capacity of the motochondrial genome, transformation at high frequency in yeast 重点内容:mapping of the mitochondrial genome 难点内容:mapping of the mitochondrial genome 五、教学时数分配表 章 内 容 总参考时数 一 Basic principles of microbial genetics 4 二 Construction of genetic maps and the genetic code 3 三 Aspects of fungal genetics 2 四 The parasexual cycle in fungi 3 五 Genetic analysis of fungal growth 3 六 Recombination in bacteria 4 七 Genetics analysis of bacteriophages 4 八 Repair, mutation and recombination in bacteria 3 九 In vivo and in vitro genetic manipulation 4 十 Mitochondrial genetics and eukaryotic transformation 2 合 计 32 六、考核方式及成绩评定标准 考核方式:闭卷 成绩评定标准:平时成绩占 30%、期末考试成绩占 70%,成绩评定采用百分制 七、教材及主要参考书 教材 :Brian WB, The genetics of microbes, 参考书目: [1]、张玉静主编,分子遗传学,科学出版社,2000 [2]、 陈三凤、刘德虎编著,现代微生物遗传学,北京:化学工业出版社,2003 执笔人:于平