-- VHDL code position: p270_ex9_10_sequence_statement_wait_until
-- Note : This is code for explaing sequence_statement of VHDL
-- See Also: example 9_9, 9_10, 9_11, 9_12, 9_13.
-- Debug : no debug
-- 4 kinds of WAIT statement
WAIT --- 1
WAIT ON singal list --- 2
WAIT UNTIL contidion expression --- 3
WAIT FOR time expression --- 4
-- 3 kinds of WAIT - UNTIL statement
WAIT UNTIL signal = value
WAIT UNTIL signal'EVENT AND signal = value
WAIT UNTIL NOT clock'STABLE AND clock = '1';
-- 4 kind WAIT WAIT - UNTIL statement with same hardware circuit
WAIT UNTIL clock = '1'
WAIT UNTIL rising_edge ( clock )
WAIT UNTIL NOT clock'STABLE AND clock = '1';
WAIT UNTIL clock'EVENT AND clock = '1'
--- Fellowing is 2 example about WAIT statement
-- example a: WAIT - UNTIL struct
-- example b: WAIT -ON struct
-- Those 2 example is equal.
-- example a
WAIT UNTIL enable = '1';
-- example b
WAIT ON enable;
EXIT WHEN enable = '1';