《食品物性学(英)》教学大纲 ( Physical Properties of Food) 一、 基本信息 课程代码:1042612 学 分 :2 总 课 时 :32 课程性质:专业选修课 适用专业:食品科学与工程专业 先修课程:物理学、化学、食品工程原理等 二、本课程教学目的和任务 本课程是食品科学与工程专业的一门专业基础课,从微观和宏观两方面讲述食品及食品 原料在贮藏加工过程中的物理性质变化和机械性质变化,使学生了解食品的物理性质、测定 原理与方法、物性的应用与控制,为研究开发新产品、提高产品货架期,从工程角度为学生 奠定理论基础。 三、教学方法与手段 课堂讲授与讨论相结合,理论教学与设备操作相结合,以原版书籍为教材, Powerpoint 的撰写以英语为主体语言,辅以中文注解,课堂讲授以英语为主要教学语言,对重点难点部 分用中文进行阐释。 四、教学内容及要求 第 1 章 Introduction In this chapter, the general geometrical, optical, thermal, electrical, mechanical properties are discussed. Students should grasp the concepts, measurement and calculations of such basic physical properties as size, shape, volume, density, surface area, color, gloss, specific heat, thermal conductivity and diffusivity, electrical conductivity, dielectric properties, as well as mechanical properties. They should also be familiar with the statistical analysis of these properties and their relation to other food properties. Furthermore, they should know the potential applications of these properties in sizing, grading, quality assessment etc. 重点内容:Concepts and measurement of the basic physical properties 难点内容:Statistical analysis of the basic physical properties 第 2 章 Rheological properties of foods In this chapter, rheological properties of fluid foods, semisolid foods and solid foods are discussed. Students are demanded to grasp rheological measurement of foods, including methods, principles and operation. They should get familiar with the basic rheological properties of different food systems, including fluid foods, semisolid foods and solid foods. Moreover, they should understand the meaning and significance of rheological research and its application food industry. 重点内容:Rheological measurements of foods 难点内容:Basic rheological properties of foods 第 3 章 Food texture In this chapter, students are demanded to grasp the definition, classification, appraising terms of food texture and the application of this texture evaluation. They should get familiar with the instrumental, physiological and sensory methods for analyzing food texture, know texture properties of different foods. 重点内容:Definition, properties, and application of food texture 难点内容:Methods for analyzing food texture 第 4 章 Thermal properties of foods In this chapter, several thermal properties, operation and application of differential scanning calorimetry are discussed. Students are demanded to grasp the operation, principle, data gaining in DSC. They should also get familiar with the thermal properties of food, including specific heat, enthalpy, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and surface heat transfer coefficient, and know how to estimate these thermal properties as well as their applications in food. 重点内容:Differential scanning calorimetry 难点内容:How to estimate these thermal properties 第 5 章 Electrical properties of foods In this chapter, the students are demanded to grasp the electrical characteristics including dielectric properties and transmission properties, to grasp dielectric measurements. They should get familiar with dielectric behavior of different food systems, and know the related influencing factors including polar solvents, ionic solutions, organic solids etc. 重点内容:Dielectric properties of food and applica tions of electrical properties of foods 难点内容:Dielectric properties of food 第 6 章 Colorimetric properties of foods In this chapter, physical properties of color, physiological basis of color, measurement of color, quality aspect of color will be dealt with. Students are demanded to grasp the operating principles of spectrophotometry and tristimulus colorimetry as well as quality aspect of color. They are also demanded to be familiar with the physical properties of color, and know the concepts of absorption, reflection, scattering, refraction of light. 重点内容:Color measurement and application of colorimetric properties of foods 难点内容: Principle of color measurement by spectrophotometry and tristimulus colorimetry 第7章 Trends in physical properties of foods To have an idea of what progresses have been or are being made in physical properties of foods, the phenomena, the principle, and the test method. 五、教学时数分配表 章 内 容 总参考时数 1 Introduction 2 2 Rheological properties of foods 10 3 Food texture 10 4 Thermal properties of foods 4 5 Electrical properties of foods 2 6 Colorimetric properties of foods 2 7 Trends in physical properties of foods Review 2 合 计 32 六、考核方式及成绩评定标准 考核方式:闭卷 成绩评定标准:平时成绩在总成绩中占 50%,期末考试成绩在总成绩中占 50%,成绩 评定为百分制。 七、教材及主要参考书 教材 :M. A. Rao, S. S. H. Rizwi. Engineering properties of foods. Marcel Dekker, Inc. 1995 参考书目: [1]、Micha Peleg, Edward B. Bagley. Physical properties of food. AVI publishing company, Inc. Westport, Connecticut, 1983 [2]、李云飞,殷涌光,金万镐编著,食品物性学,北京:中国轻工业出版社,第 1 版, 2005 年 5 月 [3]、金万浩主编,食品物性学,北京:中国科学技术出版社,第 1 版,1991 执笔人:石锦芹